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Feature RomCom Script
Actively Shopping

A jaded airline pilot and her wheelchair-bound coworker's quest to help each other find love again sends them both on a series of turbulent dates and soaring right past their chance at true love.

Set mainly in modern-day Milwaukee, it’s SET IT UP meets UP IN THE AIR.


ELISE, a commercial airline pilot, navigates post-divorce life and co-parenting her 8-year-old daughter LIZZY. She may be fearless and charismatic at work, but her personal life is a hot mess. Then there’s her work BFF GUS, a wheelchair-bound air traffic controller and hopeless romantic recently dumped by his girlfriend. Both could use a little boost in the dating department.

Up until now, Elise’s wing-woman in the dating game’s been her sister PIXIE, a gregarious surgical resident. Pixie’s great at giving dating advice on her popular dating podcast, but not so great at picking matches for Elise. So, Elise ditches Pixie and teams up with Gus to be each other’s matchmakers on a cutting-edge new dating app.

Avid baseball fans Elise and Gus, place a pair of tickets for the sold-out All-Star Game on the line. Both determined to win the title of best matchmaker, their bet sends them on a series of disasterous dates:  Elise puts her first match, CARL, in the hospital. One of Gus’ matches runs off with another guy mid-date. And Elise finds one of her matches posing full Monty using only her Captain’s hat to hide his junk! Needless to say, she’s going to need a new hat. 

As if the dates weren’t bad enough, Elise ends up in hot water with her ex-husband after he hears about her misadventures on Pixie’s podcast. Pixie reminds Elise that he’s a hypocrite… didn’t he get his side chick pregnant? Regardless, Elise deletes the matchmaker app, determined to focus on Lizzy.

Through it all, Elise and Gus's friendship grows. And while everyone else can see they're meant to be together, it takes them a little bit longer. Finally ready to admit he has feelings for Elise, Gus tries to tell her but chickens out. Gathering courage, he sends himself as a match, unaware she’s deleted the app. 

He plans to swoop her off her feet at their work Charity Ball Elise is heading up, but Carl beats him to it, and Elise excitedly decrees Gus the BEST MATCHMAKER! Gus hides his hurt but later explodes when she tries to give him the All-Star tickets. When Elise discovers Carl is married, she's more devastated about no longer having Gus in her life than she is about Carl's big lie. She's finally ready to acknowledge her feelings for Gus. But it’s too late. She spots him cozied up with his ex.

Elise has one last play. She leaves the tickets for Gus’, along with a note teasing that if he’s lucky he‘ll get to second base after the game… But when the KISS CAM zones in on their seats, Elise is alone. 
Unaware that Gus is making a mad dash across the city, Elise is about to leave when she hears Gus serenading her from the field via the stadium monitor.

She races to the field. The crowd cheers as they have their big romantic moment on live TV.

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