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60-Minute Drama Series
with heart & Levity
Actively Shopping
As she hits the big 5-0, an aimless suburban mom is rocked by her husband's suicide attempt but finds ​an unexpected​ lifeline in the world of improv comedy.
Meet PET, a mom navigating the tightrope between domesticity and personal ambition. Once an aspiring architect, now a full-time parent, she's at a life crossroads as her youngest gears up for senior year. Just when she thinks she's got a grip, life pulls the rug out: her husband's suicide attempt sends shockwaves through her world. A fine line between laughter and crying, Pet’s lifeline becomes Pet’s new secret obsession - improv.
Imagine your workaholic husband and flighty kids rain-checking the 50th birthday bash you’ve meticulously planned for yourself... Well, that’s exactly what happens to PETUNIA WALKER, leaving her feeling emptier than her nest is about to be. That night, RACHEL TENSION, a dazzling DRAG QUEEN, thrusts Pet up on stage with an improv troupe, forcing the uptight stay-at-home mom to confront her fear of FAILURE. The infectious laughter and Rachel’s encouragement send Pet stumbling upon her unexpected second act – improv. But then her husband MARTY throws a grenade into their lives when he ends up on life support after an apparent suicide attempt. Pet’s in turmoil. To get everyone off her back, Pet takes a bold leap of faith and agrees to therapy, but what they don’t know is that therapy is an improv class. Pet chooses herself for the first time, but making that choice means she might inadvertently miss saying goodbye to Marty for the last time.
While Pet’s secretly rewriting her life one laugh at a time, her relationship with her family becomes a battlefield of unspoken grief and misunderstood intentions until her secret blows up on her at the end of the season. She considers leaving Marty, but no matter how selfish Pet wants to be, she can’t do it – even when her connection with a fellow improviser blossoms. She’s not as selfless when it comes to quitting improv to get a job after Marty loses his. As Pet finds herself drawn more and more into the world of improv, she must decide if she has the courage to keep pursuing it or if it’s just a shield she’s using to hide from her grim reality.
Marty’s struggle to recover is a roller coaster. A car crash, an interrupted suicide attempt, and career challenges ensue over the course of the series. He will ultimately regain control of his life, but the damage to his psyche and his family relationships means he’ll never be the same.
Together, Pet and Marty are on a journey to discover if it really is never too late to start over.
A character-driven drama, TAPPED OUT is about navigating the seasons of our lives with grace and humor. It’s a human perspective about living with and navigating mental illness from all perspectives. But, most of all, it’s about learning not to take ourselves too seriously and finding light in the darkness.
Ian eventually gets his act together after dropping out of college. Both creative and handy, he becomes a sought-out handyman and carpenter. Jax and Noah separate after the miscarriage in season one and Jax moves home. Watching Pet finally go for her dreams, Jax throws everything into her music career. Rachel champions Pet from the sidelines, eventually becoming Pet’s manager. Gail finally gives in and gets engaged – to Pet’s older brother. Pet finally has a sister for real.
PET (PETUNIA) WALKER (50): Selfishly selfless. Witty. Extroverted. Unafraid to let her “mom jokes” fly, but the helicopter mom has deep-rooted insecurities. Despite having a degree in Architecture, years spent as a stay-at-home mom left her with a lack of employable skills. That, and turning 50, have her feeling useless and stuck. Still a believer, the recovering Catholic’s faith wavers after Marty’s suicide attempt.
MARTY WALKER (55): Intelligent. Sensitive. Conciliatory. A high-achieving executive who manages his genetic bipolar disorder until he doesn’t. He’s learning that work isn’t everything and he’s not expendable.
IAN WALKER (17): Easy going. Unassuming. Inventive. He could be at the top of his class, but is more interested in girls and living by a “Saturdays are for the boys” mantra. Deeply scarred from finding Marty.
JAX (JACQUELINE) WALKER-PARK (28): Responsible, creative, and independent, she's a sound engineer by day and a singer-songwriter by night. She’s living her best life with her hubby, NOAH PARK, and their dog, MORPHEUS.
RACHEL TENSION: Gregarious. Funny. Emotional. No stranger to the beast known as the “Black Dog,” she hides behind the drag persona she’s created for herself.
GAIL (40s): Fashionable. Fiesty. Fit. At least that’s how the sarcastic Brit would describe herself. Single and says she prefers to mingle, but truth be told, she’s afraid of falling in love.
EPISODE TWO: SHH… – Pet has trouble connecting at improv. Jax discovers she’s pregnant, adding to the list of family secrets.
EPISODE THREE: LETTING GO – Pet must learn to let go, and Marty confesses to a previous suicide.
EPISODE FOUR: PROMISES – Pet’s “improv as therapy” is jeopardized by Marty’s new treatment plan. Signs of Ian’s depression get overlooked.
EPISODE FIVE: CONFRONTATIONS – Pet confronts Marty about their massive debt, and Ian announces he’s not going to college.
EPISODE SIX: PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT – Pet’s misguided request for help puts Marty’s job in jeopardy, and Ian reluctantly starts therapy.
EPISODE SEVEN: REVELATIONS – Pet is on an emotional rollercoaster after Ian admits to self-harming and Marty loses his job. Jax and Noah reveal the news of their pregnancy, but is it enough to keep Marty from sliding back into depression?
EPISODE EIGHT: LAVA – At her wit’s end, Pet erupts on stage about Marty’s suicide attempt. Pet and Marty weigh their legal options against Marty’s company.
EPISODE NINE: DISCONNECT – Just as Pet hits her groove, Marty slides back into old habits.
EPISODE TEN: PUMP THE BREAKS – Everything implodes as Pet gets cozy with a new Sandbox member and a car accident lands Marty in the hospital once again.
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